Our Corporate Governance System

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The Company is committed to strong corporate governance principles and accordingly, we have implemented and maintained a corporate governance framework that meets the requirements applicable to public joint stock companies incorporated in the United Arab Emirates (the UAE) and that is consistent with international best practice.

Corporate Governance Policy

    Our Corporate Governance Policy provides clear guidance on:
  • The Company’s governance structure and its interface with stakeholders.
  • Authorities and decision-making mechanisms within the Company and between stakeholders.
  • The role and responsibilities of the Company’s corporate governance function.
Corporate Governance Report

Code of Conduct

Our Code of Conduct upholds our commitment to high standards of professional and equitable behavior. It outlines:

The minimum standard of personal conduct expected from anyone working for or on behalf of the Company.

A clear set of rules and standards ensuring an ethical, non-discriminatory, and compliant business environment aligned with the Company’s core values.

Independence and Diversity of Board Members

The Company’s Board comprises nine Directors, including one female member. Eight of the nine Directors are non-executive, with eight regarded as independent according to the Corporate Governance Code. Each Director brings the necessary knowledge, skills, and expertise for the Board to function efficiently and effectively. As per the Company’s Articles of Association, Directors serve three-year terms and may be re-elected for successive terms.

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