ESG Policies

Explore our comprehensive range of ESG policies

In 2023, the Company adopted a comprehensive Sustainability Policy to guide its approach to building a competitive, resilient business while adhering to core environmental, social, and governance (ESG) principles and supporting the sustainable development of the communities it serves.

Diversity & Inclusion Policy

In 2023, the Company adopted a new diversity and inclusion policy to encourage diversity, equity, and inclusion, promoting a culture that values differences and eliminates workplace discrimination.

  • Emiratisation Rate

    The Company is committed to offering meaningful career opportunities to UAE Nationals. We use a merit-based system to fast-track their development into responsible positions, particularly in investment and asset management. In 2023, UAE Nationals made up 12% of our workforce, with our "Nationalisation Criteria" assessed as average.

Anti-harassment and Bullying Policy

  • The Company has an anti-harassment and bullying policy to ensure a work environment free from harassment and bullying, where all employees are treated with dignity and respect.

Anti-lavery and Human Trafficking Policy

  • The Company has an anti-harassment and bullying policy to ensure a work environment free from harassment and bullying, where all employees are treated with dignity and respect.

Anti-Slavery and Human Trafficking Policy

  • The Company is committed to legal and ethical business practices, adding value to the communities it serves. Our anti-slavery and human trafficking policy ensures that modern slavery, including human trafficking, does not occur in our operations or supply chains.

Child Labour Policy

  • The Company is committed to preventing child exploitation and has implemented a strict child labour policy to uphold this commitment.

Human Rights Policy

  • The Company upholds respect for human rights as a core value and has zero tolerance for human rights violations. We expect strict compliance from everyone in our value chain. Our human rights policy focuses on protecting workers\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\' rights, community rights, education rights, and data privacy.